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Rob's journey had to be put on pause until another time. His adventure got cut short due to injury. Another hiker was trying to climb up to the shelter loft on the 3rd level and slipped and Rob jumped under him so his head didn't bounce off the picnic table. Rob's right side, leg, knee, and ankle got bounced on.

Walking an additional 15ish miles, he was lucky enough to find someone to pick him up on closed roads and get him in town. A huge called out to Frenchie at the Sapphire Inn in Franklin, NC, for being so kind to personally pick him up (not his usual job as he manages the Inn) but he said he always wants to help the hikers.

Rob's foot & knee are not good. Swellen and hot. He will continue in a couple months. Hopefully.

To be continued!

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Rob saved that guy. Who knows what could have happened if he hit his head! THAT was the reason Rob was out there!

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